This Month

March In The Vegie Patch + Greenhouse
Clear starry nights, cool, dewy mornings and that special golden hue in the evening sky are all signs that Autumn is moving in. The cooler mornings and nights slowly begin to cool the soil, which in turn slows soil life … [Read More...]

March Fruit Tree To Do List
Young trees need to be at the fore front throughout summer. This month, take stock of yours. If the soil beneath is dry, water them back to barely moist, then scatter some nicely pre decomposed woody mulch about them. … [Read More...]

Dear Kath, my tomatoes have blight…
Dear Kath, the tomatoes in my greenhouse are suffering from blight. What can you advise to treat them? Is it a deficiency in the soil or a pest? thanks A deficiency, in this case, of soil microbes, and the solution is … [Read More...]

Listen in Kath and Kim Hill RNZ Audio: On Apple picking and Autumn
Kath Irvine: apple picking and autumn in the garden From Saturday Morning, 11:35 am on 19 March 2022 Organic gardener Kath Irvine returns to share some autumn gardening tips and to answer your questions. This is a … [Read More...]