The thing is to match what you plant and sow in your vegie patch this month, to the season that you are having. If its roasting hot and dry you’d be smart to delay the planting of your carrots and winter brassicas for instance.
February Fruit Tree To Do List
Fruit trees are peaking! I hope the grass and herbal ley are thigh high and you’re revelling in surround sound fruit – late plums, pears, apples and oh so peachy. A sight for sore eyes! As stone fruit are harvested, summer prune them. They’re best pruned now, rather than winter because silver-leaf spores aren’t on […]
3 Simple Ways to Revive Soil
In an ideal world, our soils don’t end up hungry and tired. We take care of them in a little and often way so they stay juicy + wormy in order to sustain the demands of production. But – hey, it happens…. life happens! And when it does, here’s some simple solutions to get you […]
An Easy-as, In-ground Worm-farm
An in-ground, home-made worm-farm costs next to nothing to set-up, takes next to no time to run and yet it turns your food-scraps into gold, aka worm-castings. Worm-castings are good-for-everything! For sick plants, for strong seedlings, for tired soil – it’s no exaggeration to say that they have super powers. Team them with your homemade […]
February in the Vegie Patch, Simple Soil Revivers + Summer Pruning
In a perfect world, our soils don’t end up hungry and tired at the end of summer, but often they are. Hey, it happens – life happens! So this month I have simple solutions to get you back into production. Regularly checking in with your soils is the difference, make this your new, best habit. […]
How to Grow Basil
Basil is a queen, and needs to be treated just so – her tolerance for anything other than perfect is low and if you dish it out she’ll let you know with fungus-y foliage, black streaks, pale leaves, tough leaves, poor growth or by rushing off to seed. All of these are easily prevented when […]