An Easy, Nourishing Winter Food Garden

Today is especially for those of you who dream of eating a fresh picked bowl of goodness, like this one – every day, but dont have much time to garden. You can do it, if you focus on the most efficient crops – one’s that are highest nutrition for the least effort. Here’s my nourishing […]

Project 4: Tree Research

This is Project 4 in my Start a Garden Guide, and is the perfect autumn mission for anyone planning on planting fruit/ shelter/ shade trees this winter. Rule number 1 for an easy garden life, is be sure the trees you plant are well matched to you + your garden. Take a little time + […]

2 Ways to Transition from Greencrop to Crop

Greencrops are such good soil builders, that you don’t need to use as much compost when you regularly incorporate them into your crop rotation. A big win if you’re aiming for most of your compost to be homemade. Here are three ways to get good at incorporating greencrops into your garden life. . 1. From […]

How To Store Apples

A store of eating apples to draw on through Autumn and Winter is deeply satisfying, and the best kai of all – an apple as nature intended! Storing is, however, really tricky for home gardeners. The perfect long term storage (consistently cool, 90% humidity, off grid and rodent proof) is still lurking on my to […]

How to Grow Broccoli

Broccoli is the easiest, quickest and most productive brassica to grow. Easier than cabbage, heaps faster than cauliflower, and waaaaay more productive than both on account of all the side shoots that come after the main head is cut. In order to grow lots of broccoli shoots, you first need to first grow a good […]

5 Tips for Transplanting in Hot Weather

Abundant crops begin with seedlings that grow steadily onwards, with no growth checks. Transplanting is a key part of the operation! Thing is, most of the crops we’re planting in late summer (winter brassicas, carrots, leeks etc), aren’t fans of intense heat. Add to that, the garden soil is likely tired, dried out and not […]