OM is Your Gardens Guardian Angel

Gathering organic matter (OM for short), is your best ever garden habit! With a variety of ready to use matter at hand, you are only 10minutes away from creating a new garden bed, mulching, making a compost pile or revitalising tired soil – no shopping required! Collect OM in a little + often, regular way. […]

How to Summer Prune Stonefruit

Plums, Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines, Almonds and Cherries are all stonefruit and best pruned in summer when they finish fruiting. There’s a few good reasons to prune them now rather than winter.

5 Golden Pruning Rules

Hold light at the fore front as you prune. Light inspires fresh new shoots, ripens fruits, and where light shines – air flows, which is just what the doctor ordered for best health. Let light be your guide, along with a gentle hand and all will be well. Less is More Here’s the thing – […]

What Does Healthy Soil Look, Feel + Smell Like?

The kind of soil our edible garden thrives in is: Not many of us inherit this type of soil (wouldn’t that be awesome!), most of us begin on hard, dry, poor, barren or minerally imbalanced ground. Our job, as gardeners, is to steadily transform it. It takes a bit of time but its not at […]

A Mini DIY Soil Test

Use this quick, simple test before planting or sowing, to check that the soil you wish to plant into, is up to the task. Based on your assessment, you may well change your planting plan. Lets say you were planning to plant pumpkin, but your test reveals that the soil’s dry and musty. Because pumpkin […]

How to Rehydrate Dry Soil

Dry, dusty soil is no friend of the food gardener. Healthy soil, like a healthy body – begins with hydration. Without it – everything goes awry: soil microbes (the heart of the operation) leave, particles shrink, mineral exchange goes to sleep and eventually, vital water pathways close up shop. That’s why dry soil repels water […]