How to Grow Potatoes

Spuds are so easy that you can accidently leave a tuber in ground and grow a whole new crop. Rogue potato seedlings turn up all over the place – I leave these where they are by the way. Every extra kilo of delicious homegrown potatoes is most welcome in my house. This ease, makes them […]

Managing Weeds: Naturally + Easily

Weeds are on your side. They’ve come to heal the soil from its historical treatment. They do this in many ways – drawing minerals that are missing, soaking up toxins, moderating excessive minerals, adding organic matter, improving soil structure … they are nutrient dense, mineral rich powerhouses – and the fastest way to awesome soil, […]

How to Grow Kumara Shoots

The journey to a boomer crop of kumara begins with shoots or tipu. Start them growing now, in early spring. Shoots are grown on a kumara, and this kumara is so special its called the mother. Choose your mother with care. Select a firm, organically grown kumara with no rots. She doesn’t need to be […]

Homemade Seed Raising Mix

Knowing how to make your own seed raising mix is super handy when you run out and don’t want to drive to buy more, or your fav organic mix is no longer in stock or you are sick of buying stuff in plastic bags! That being said, I am not on a mission to do […]

Biological Fungicides

Cankers, oozing sap, fruit scab, fruit rot, leaf spots or leaf curl, and are all signs that pathogenic fungi/ bacteria are out competing beneficial fungi/ bacteria, on your fruit trees. It’s a numbers game. Simple as that. Whoever owns the space, rules the day. Your job is to turn the equation on its head, so […]

How (+ When) to Prune Citrus

Citrus are my favourite trees to prune. Especially thick, thorny, over grown ones – they restore so quickly and beautifully when you use mainly thinning cuts. What a difference when you give up heading cuts and get thinning! Because citrus fruit on new seasons wood, this style of pruning keeps trees compact, sturdy and insanely […]