Boost Your Fruit Trees This Autumn

Leaves are turning gold and starting to fall, marking the end of a cycle of growth and the beginning of another as the leaf donates its goodness back to earth. All those tiny openings left by detached leaves makes it a prime time to get a biological spray on – nothing beats it for strong, […]

My Favourite Perennial Companions

Perennials are the backbone of our garden because they stay put, unlike annuals who pop in and out – even in a no dig garden, every day is moving day – pull a carrot, lever out a leek… In the quiet, undisturbed space beneath perennials, soil life set up home and spread ever outward – […]

May in the Vegie Patch, Choose the Right Rootstock + Prep Asparagus for Spring

May is an awesome month to get ready for planting fruit trees this winter. As you work out what you want to buy and which tree is going where, keep your radar on the rootstocks. What a game changer when both the scion + rootstock are well matched to your situation – they zoom their […]

Delicious Dried Apples

Dried apples are one of the most useful (and easy) of winter preserves. Its the way to go for apples that are damaged in anyway and wont store well – bird pecks/ bruises/ black spot/ no stalks. Use them up while they’re still good. Our home dried apples are a family favourite. The ones you […]

How To Harvest, Cure + Store Kumara

Kumara loves the warmth – all the way through the growing process, from the shoots through planting to storage. Steer clear of cold, and keep warm in the forefront of your mind and you wont go wrong. Those of you on light, free draining soil are on a win – your soil holds warmth for […]

Make a Frost Shelter for Young Citrus + Avo’s

Autumn is the time of year to think about tucking your young citrus and tender subtropicals (eg: tamarillo, banana, passionfruit + avocado) in a cosy house to protect them from the bitter cold of winter and spring. Where night temps drop below 10 °C for extended periods of time, I’d be making a shelter. Small, […]