As an antidote to end of season pests – turn your attention to natures pest-clean-up crew – the predators. You likely know what a damsel fly and ladybug look like, but how about a lacewing, hoverfly and the many varieties of parasitic wasp. These guys are the trojans of pest control, and as long as […]
Listen in Kath and Kim Hill RNZ Audio: On Apple picking and Autumn
Kath Irvine: apple picking and autumn in the garden From Saturday Morning, 11:35 am on 19 March 2022 Organic gardener Kath Irvine returns to share some autumn gardening tips and to answer your questions. This is a time in the garden for both harvesting and preparing for winter. Kath shares some advice on apple picking and storing, and planting […]
My 2 Ingredient Biological Liquid Feed
Liquid feed is awesome tonic support for the food garden, and this 2 ingredient biological brew in particular, because its alive! It’s a brilliant one size fits all that has a gently transformative effect on citrus, vegies, roses, berries, fruit trees, the chook yard, pasture, even compost piles. As long as the soil is up […]
How to Grow A Living Soil
The health of all life above ground – you, me and our crops included, rests on the shoulders of trillions of tiny organisms – bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes et all. Though you cannot see them, you see their handiwork in the health of your soil, your crops + ultimately – your good self. These microscopic […]
March in the Vegie Patch, Fruit Tree To Do’s + Simple Soil Rescue
To everyone whos gardens are under silt right now – my heart goes out to you bigtime. The hope I can bring, is that silt is rich – it’s displaced topsoil, and as such, is full of potential goodness. It is however lacking air and therefore life – bring the air back and you’ll be […]
Kath and Kim Hill Audio — RNZ Feb 2023
On the road with organic gardener Kath Irvine 25 Feb, 2023 Since we last heard from gardener and The Edible Backyard author Kath Irvine, she’s uprooted and hit the road in a 12 metre long house truck. She’s got some some tips on how to revive soil ravaged by summer weather extremes, plus she’ll share the story of Whanganui’s […]