Use Your Chooks!

Chickens were born to weed + bug hunt. The very jobs I dislike. So in a beautiful win – win, we help each other out. I grow lots of greens for them and they clean it all up for me and prep for following crops. The secret to a happy life is to get everyone […]

Back to Basics: Fruit Tree Pruning Videos

Here are a couple of videos that I hope will give beginners a bit of pruning confidence. Thanks to my buddy Ray at Soulhaven Productions for making them and thanks to Barry for letting us film his trees! These fruit tree pruning videos won’t answer all your questions, not by a long shot. But they […]

Roasted Figs with Rosemary

I’ve never cooked figs. Fresh picked, they’re so delicious we tend to just gobble them as they are and put any excess in the dehydrator. Matt has turned the tide though. He cooked some up the other night and oh la la, I’m in love. Gooey, sticky, figgy deliciousness. These would be amazing on a […]

Cheat’s Compost

I don’t always keep up with compost making. There’s many a moment when I have crops ready to plant but no compost to hand. In which case, I whip around the garden and creatively rustle up some soil food, or cheats compost as I affectionately call it. It’s moment like these your handy stashes of […]

Top up your Dung Heap

Back in the day everyone had a dung heap. Before there were blue pills for gardens, there were cow do’s. And the cow do’s win (though don’t be poo-ist, whatever do’s you can get your hands on are great). Rotten manure grows the best soil,  the best vegies and the best roses. A dung heap […]

Boozy, Roasted Stonefruit

Such a yum dessert and always popular with visitors who without fail want to know how to make it. You’d think such deliciousness was tricky, but this dessert is super quick to cobble together. Make it in the morning and leave the fruits to macerate in those yummy slightly boozy juices all day. The recipe […]