A Spring Prune for Plums + Peaches

Stone fruit are naturally spreading trees, so for best shape and health – let them reach and spread as much as is practical, that being said if you’ve pruned hard in the past and ended up with loads of tall shoots, spring is an excellent time to tie them down or head back so as […]

August Fruit Tree to-do List

Here come the early plums! Gorgeous times ahead as fruit trees wake from their winter slumber. As the carbs start to flow, I swear the trees get a glow on. Cross your fingers the weather aligns and keep your eye on the prize because boom! from swelling bud to that first slither of pink to […]

August in the Vegie Patch + Greenhouse

Its time to shake off the winter vegie patch blues, my friends, and get the ball rolling for a productive season ahead! Start with a big old clean out to create space (and score lots of goodies for making compost!), then focus on sowing greencrops. So well timed: greencrops sown now will prime soils for […]

We’re Coming to North Canterbury

Our odyssey to find a bit of land to call home continues! We’re leaving beautiful north Otago at the end of August, and heading up the coast to explore the potential of north Canterbury. A sunny, organic, peaceful spot to park our house-truck would be epic! All contacts gratefully received. We need: We have skills […]

How to Sow a Greencrop

Greencrops (also called greenmanures) are awesome! Diversity, homegrown fertility + living mulch all in one. There are 2 ways to go about this. Both are awesome, thing is which one suits your situation best. First up we must ready our ground. Chop down old crops – ideally leaving the roots in play, but dont break your heart over […]

August Chook Care

Calling all chook mums and dads! During this wet, low light, cold time of year – are you managing to provide your chooks with sunlight, dry outside space and fresh, healthy? Here are some missions to ensure your girls are getting the best of care. Top up the sawdust in the house If the chook […]