Natural Remedies for Worms in Chickens

Sweetie (chook on the left) has a dirty behind – a possible sign of worms. If I get in quick, I can save the day with herbs! Chickens go downhill fast, so it pays to be aware. Since spring is worm o’clock, lets be prepared with some natural solutions. Signs of worms Truth is, chickens […]

August Chook Care

Calling all chook mums and dads! During this wet, low light, cold time of year – are you managing to provide your chooks with sunlight, dry outside space and fresh, healthy? Here are some missions to ensure your girls are getting the best of care. Top up the sawdust in the house If the chook […]

Be Kind to Your Broody Chooks

Springtime means babies, and heritage chooks hear natures call to nest and hatch. Sitting on eggs in hope, is called being broody and some varieties feel the urge stronger than others. Needless to say hylines and shavers have had motherhood bred out of them. The difference between sitting to lay the daily egg, and hoping […]

Save Your Chooks From Red Mites

Red mites are tiny 1mm bird parasites, that proliferate in the heat. They live in cracks in the walls of the chookhouse by day, and come out at night to feed on your chooks. Poor girls – no rest for them when mites are in the house. Because they are tiny and nocturnal, its easy […]