Dear Kath, my tomatoes have blight…

Dear Kath, the tomatoes in my greenhouse are suffering from blight. What can you advise to treat them? Is it a deficiency in the soil or a pest? thanks

A deficiency, in this case, of soil microbes, and the solution is simple as. Read through my very simple, tomato growing strategies. Check through to see which one or two is missing from your tomato growing equation – each one is a key thread, and success comes when they are all in action, together. They may seem too simple by far, but trust me here, they’re tomato perfect.

  • Start by considering the big picture before you go into damage control – 10% blemished, does not a problem make! A few curled leaves and spotty bits are tickety boo, and par for the course with sensitive tomatoes. Pinch off the rubbish leaves, compost them cos yes you can!, and carry right along.
  • Ask local gardeners how their tomatoes are going? The season plays a huge part in tomato happiness, especially if your toms are outside. Humid, cold or really wet = tomatoes will complain loudly! When the season isn’t very tomato friendly, note the varieties that thrive and be sure to save their seed.
  • Next up check your soil . Make this your go to whenever anything goes wrong, its far more accurate than blimmin google. At this late stage in the season note how the soil is – musty and super dry or sour and wet, either way there’s a stress (especially too wet!). Use the solutions in my tomato article for next year.

Simple tweaks are where it’s at! A daily visit reveals the first signs, a simple tweak and primo – disease caught early.

Here’s another helpful read to set your garden on its way to primo health.

Enjoy it all, K x


  1. hello Kath, what are fadges (I’m in Melbourne Australia)

    also Hessian sacks should work well over a compost pile.

    • Hey Pauline – a fadge is a wool sack – a bit of kiwiana, thanks for asking. Hessian sacks, old blankets, carpet – options abound.
      happy compost making!
      K x

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