On December 19th we say goodbye to our handmade house and well loved garden. Loved, not only by us, but by you also. Thanks so much for coming along for the ride, its been truly wonderful, hasn’t it. And though we leave this house – I’m not leaving Edible Backyard – it’s coming with me!
You can still phone a garden friend and I’ll be sending out the newsletter, as per usual, on the 1st of each month. The books, however, aren’t do-able from a housetruck, so this week is your last moment to buy a signed copy from me. Edible Backyard will carry on, at book shops and garden centre’s, and my little star – “Pruning Fruit Trees: A Beginners Guide”, has a new distributor.
I’m looking forward to gardens in new places, new faces and seeing yours, perhaps, on the road.
Yours in the earth,

How beautiful and true is that “Cherish all the little moments. That’s where the magic is. ” Brings tears to my eyes.
Hi Kath
Thank you so much for this interesting article. You know how conventional gardening tells you to keep plants at a certain distance for good air flow; would guild planting effect the air flow around the plants and encourage e.g. mildew etc.
Thank you
Its one of those things that you watch and learn Ingrid. Depends entirely on how well your soil is and your climate. If weather is humid, break off some of the companion plants when they encroach and drop them as mulch, for instance. Its like a dance. Creating space when needed. Its surprising though, and fun to play with. Let things be and watch. Its easy as to make more space if need be, but more often than not I’m finding things play out well.
Thanks very much Kath. That’s what I’m going to do; try new things and see how it goes. Thank you for the inspiration. Happy gardening. Cheers, Ingrid 🙂