Good pruning = good fruiting and easy to reach trees. Lets get you pruning with confidence!
We’ll begin the day with all the basics: Tools, when to prune, choosing a shape and the power of training (not cutting). Then we’ll go out into the orchard and have a go on a mixture of deciduous fruit trees of varying ages. If its wet we’ll stay put under the deck and practice on tree size prunings.
Take home my pruning notes, and enjoy a homemade morning tea and cup of coffee.
My pruning book – “Pruning Fruit Trees: A Beginners Guide” will be available for sale. $27. Cash only. If you’ve got a copy already, bring it and make your notes in it!
Wear your gumboots and outdoor gears and bring your pruning kit – loppers, seceteurs and pruning saw in a bucket. If you are short of tools, no worries we will sort it on the day.
DIRECTIONS: I am on google maps under Edible Backyard. Google maps are pretty good for estimating how long it’ll take it you from your house to mine.
Parking is out the front, behind the open flag.
I’m selling the tickets through Eventfinder because it’s easy for me, and nice and simple for you too. They will add on a $1.75 booking fee.
Pretty please include your email when you buy your ticket. This allows me to find you should there be any changes due to a weather bomb or some such.