Dear Kath, the tomatoes in my greenhouse are suffering from blight. What can you advise to treat them? Is it a deficiency in the soil or a pest? thanks A deficiency, in this case, of soil microbes, and the solution is simple as. Read through my very simple, tomato growing strategies. Check through to see […]
Listen in Kath and Kim Hill RNZ Audio: On Apple picking and Autumn
Kath Irvine: apple picking and autumn in the garden From Saturday Morning, 11:35 am on 19 March 2022 Organic gardener Kath Irvine returns to share some autumn gardening tips and to answer your questions. This is a time in the garden for both harvesting and preparing for winter. Kath shares some advice on apple picking and storing, and planting […]
3 Simple Ways to Revive Soil
In an ideal world, our soils don’t end up hungry and tired. We take care of them in a little and often way so they stay juicy + wormy in order to sustain the demands of production. But – hey, it happens…. life happens! And when it does, here’s some simple solutions to get you […]
An Easy-as, In-ground Worm-farm
An in-ground, home-made worm-farm costs next to nothing to set-up, takes next to no time to run and yet it turns your food-scraps into gold, aka worm-castings. Worm-castings are good-for-everything! For sick plants, for strong seedlings, for tired soil – it’s no exaggeration to say that they have super powers. Team them with your homemade […]