Basil is a queen, and needs to be treated just so – her tolerance for anything other than perfect is low and if you dish it out she’ll let you know with fungus-y foliage, black streaks, pale leaves, tough leaves, poor growth or by rushing off to seed. All of these are easily prevented when […]
Preparing New Vegie Beds
There are two parts to this: first up I’ll show you how to work out the most efficient shape for your bed (fyi not necessarily a rectangle and defo not a square!), and then we get down to the business of getting it ready for cropping. In my huge relatively flat vegie patch, new beds […]
How to Grow Awesome Tomatoes!
It’s entirely possible to grow abundant tomatoes without artificial tomato food, or tricky fertiliser brews. Here are my very simple, tomato growing strategies – each one is a key thread, and success comes when they are all in action, together. Set your tomatoes on the road to glory by meeting not one, not two, but […]
How to Water
When you water brilliantly, your garden performs brilliantly. The right amount of water, delivered at the right time makes for way less disease, less pests and improves cropping no end. This is no empty promise, my friends! Watering has as big of an impact on your gardens wellness as soil health does so it’s an […]