What a difference when we sow seeds, and transplant seedlings, into soil that’s at the perfect temp for each crop – seedlings boost away with strong growth! Use your trusty soil thermometer along with my chart below that shows the ideal temperature range. Most crops will germinate outside this range – not minding soil a […]
How to Grow Celery
Homegrown celery is so efficient (and delicious!), gifting a lot of crop, in a small space. By regularly harvesting the big, outside stalks you inspire fresh, new ones to come. In this way, a happy celery plant can perpetuate for years, and that’s the trick – to keep them happy. For my simple recipe, dear […]
We’re Coming to North Canterbury
Our odyssey to find a bit of land to call home continues! We’re leaving beautiful north Otago at the end of August, and heading up the coast to explore the potential of north Canterbury. A sunny, organic, peaceful spot to park our house-truck would be epic! All contacts gratefully received. We need: We have skills […]
How to Sow a Greencrop
Greencrops (also called greenmanures) are awesome! Diversity, homegrown fertility + living mulch all in one. There are 2 ways to go about this. Both are awesome, thing is which one suits your situation best. First up we must ready our ground. Chop down old crops – ideally leaving the roots in play, but dont break your heart over […]