Learn Your Winter Landscape

The shady, the sunny, the frosty, the soggy – how well do you know your winter landscape? Ideally, really well. Are the plants that need winter sun and warmth located in it? Take the opportunity! Winter comes but once a year. Timing is everything. Shady by itself means not much, but when you attach a […]

How To Grow Raspberries

Awesome crops of awesome raspberries begins with a good setup, and so today I’m focusing you in on getting the basics sorted first: choosing a good location + a good variety. With this well sorted, their care is easy i.e. less pests and disease + better crops. From there we move into bird protection, creating […]

Pruning 101: Thinning Cuts + Heading Cuts

Understanding the difference between thinning cuts and heading cuts will transform your pruning life. What a difference to the productivity and health of your fruit trees when you give up heading and get thinning! Heading A heading cut, also referred to as ‘heading back’, is a cut that shortens. A trees version of a haircut. […]

How To Prune Feijoas

Excerpt from my little pruning book ” Pruning Fruit Trees: A Beginners Guide“ If you prune your feijoa annually – you’ll find there’s not much to do. A lovely, feet on the ground job. I like to prune my feijoa’s right after harvest. Don’t remove more than a third of the canopy. Stack up your […]