A single leader tomato is a very fine thing. Easy to support. Easy to pick. Easy to spot pests. Easy to spray. But most important of all in my high rainfall not reliably hot climate – plenty of airflow and sun for best health + ripening. A single leader best suits tomatoes grown up strings […]
EPIC Giveaway!
What an awesome giveaway! All these gifts are up for grabs as one very cool prize. 7 gifts in all, contributed by 7 epic organic kiwi women. To win, hop onto instagram, and enter at @everkindorganic. The winner will be drawn on 4 Dec. A $50 voucher for plants from @kahikateafarm. Kahikatea Farm is a […]
Easy-as Alternatives to Weed Spray
Weeds are, on the whole, not that tricky. Sure there’s a select few that are dynamite, but that’s to be expected given that we live in one of the weediest places on earth. Find my ideas for the really tricky weeds, at the bottom of the page. Today I’m sharing my top 4 weed management […]
How to Grow Green Beans + Shell-out Beans
Beans have a bad rap. I mean who lists beans as their fav crop?! People who grow their own, thats who! Fresh picked is the only way to go, and there are so many awesome varieties to try. And then theres dried beans, or shellouts. Homegrown are worlds apart – so creamy and good, you’ll […]