Today, I want to celebrate the two clever ladies who hold my hand as I dive into the mysterious world of the internet. Who make what I say and write look beautiful. Who manage to be smart at what they do and good fun at the same time. Who I am oh so lucky to call my friends.
You enjoy their work with every newsletter, every time you dig about in my website or watch a video. Perhaps you thought it was me? Well hello! The game is up!, and here they are, the good people behind me – Ray, from Soulhaven Creative Productions and Anna, from Help Me Net.
Today I/ we (I’m sure you’re with me on this), say thank you, thank you, thank you!
To Ray. For being patient and sensitive, for guiding me to a good pre-video/ photo place, for making miracles out of my fumbling, over complicated efforts, for creating such gorgeous video.
To Anna. For being Edible Backyard’s loudest cheer leader, for my amazing website, for my beautiful newsletters and Ebooks, for coping gracefully with my, ahem, direct approach and for all the support (trust me it’s a lot). You might yet succeed in dragging my reluctant backside into the 21st century.