The thing is to match what you plant and sow in your vegie patch this month, to the season that you are having. If its roasting hot and dry you’d be smart to delay the planting of your carrots and winter brassicas for instance.
February Fruit Tree To Do List
Fruit trees are peaking! I hope the grass and herbal ley are thigh high and you’re revelling in surround sound fruit – late plums, pears, apples and oh so peachy. A sight for sore eyes! As stone fruit are harvested, summer prune them. They’re best pruned now, rather than winter because silver-leaf spores aren’t on […]
January In The Vegie Patch + Autumn Crops A Go
January is all about extending our summer crops so as to create a lovely continuity. Successional planting is the proper name. I call it “little and often”, and it’s the key to never going hungry because it keeps your garden in steady production. And though most of us are only just starting to eat tomatoes, […]
January Fruit Tree To Do List
One of the most important tasks this month, is to check in on newly planted fruit trees. Check the soil beneath the mulch, and if its dry give it a lovely slow watering. Slow is best so the water soaks in, rather than running off. Then top up the mulch if its thinning out. Simply […]