Heat and harvest come to this – pests. It’s easy to malign them, “Damn things!” But pests are not malicious. They’ve come because you’ve served dinner. Aphids, leafhoppers, scale, thrips, green vegetable bugs – put a feed out, create the perfect environment and they will come! Pests are just a part of playing in nature […]
How To Thin Fruit (And Why You Need To)
Removing excess fruit from an over-burdened tree rewards you with a more robust tree and better fruit (this year and next). From mid-spring on keep an eye on your fruit trees and thin heavily loaded trees as fruits reach marble size. Because Steady is Good Thinning is removing extras to improve the remainder. And it […]
The Ins and Outs of Choosing Bought Compost
Compost is the heart and soul of your garden. Does it matter which compost you buy? Damn straight it does! Well made compost is all our soil needs to grow abundant crops with minimal disease. But rubbish in, rubbish out – compost made with sub-standard ingredients will wreck your soil and your crops. So too, […]
Grow Yourself a Daily Winter Harvest
Achieving a daily harvest year round, takes years of practice. I remember the first year I grew all my own carrots. Pride. And the year of the onion, that was solid. Potatoes have been a recent achievement, but that’s only because all the teenage mouths have left the building. Year of the broccoli – so […]