I’m hoping this month to encourage you to explore your wild side. To stop ironing out your backyards, and instead to let them go. This is our orchard. Thigh high in grass and herbs. “Looking a bit unruly out there” is often said, and yes it is! Unruly, beautiful, vibrant, alive! Soil life flourishes in spray […]
Easy Peasy Crop Rotation
Crop rotation is falling out of fashion – and I’m glad for it, it used to be a stuffy, over complicated thing. However, don’t lets throw the baby out with the bathwater! I love the moving about and mixing of crops, and so does your soil – it brings huge bonuses. Rotation is simply moving […]
How To Plant + Prune Deciduous Fruit Tree’s
Shelter trees, deciduous fruit trees and feijoas a go! – it’s time to get planting. Apart from citrus and subtropicals that is. It makes no sense to put their heat loving feet into freezing ground. If you live somewhere frost free and mild (eg: the winter-less north) then do it, for the rest of us, […]
Mulched Paths – Oh Yes!
The first permaculture book I read was “The Permaculture Home Garden” by Linda Woodrow. Back in mumblemumble 1997. I read it from cover to cover one cold weekend in bed with my first baby, those were the days. I gobbled it up. Linda made so much sense. One thing I acted on immediately was mulched […]