Shelter trees, deciduous fruit trees and feijoas a go! – it’s time to get planting. Apart from citrus and subtropicals that is. It makes no sense to put their heat […]
Mulched Paths – Oh Yes!
The first permaculture book I read was “The Permaculture Home Garden” by Linda Woodrow. Back in mumblemumble 1997. I read it from cover to cover one cold weekend in bed […]
Homemade Mulch
And by mulch I mean any old thing, don’t go mortgaging your house for fancy store bought stuff. In the absence of garden waste (which I find hard to believe […]
How To Grow Great Citrus
Citrus are fussy darlings, deeply sensitive to wind, wet feet, dry feet and frost. The foothill’s of the Tararua’s is not their ideal which means I need to choose my […]