And by mulch I mean any old thing, don’t go mortgaging your house for fancy store bought stuff. In the absence of garden waste (which I find hard to believe – there are always things to prune or weed) there will be an old blanket lurking in the shed, a daggy jersey he’ll never miss, […]
How To Grow Great Citrus
Citrus are fussy darlings, deeply sensitive to wind, wet feet, dry feet and frost. The foothill’s of the Tararua’s is not their ideal which means I need to choose my varieties well and put some effort into creating awesome micro climates for them. Before you go plant shopping, take the time to choose a great […]
Learn Your Land (And While You Do, Go Temporary)
When we arrived here we set up temporary fencing to keep the pigs in. Those temporary fences bought us time. Time to figure out how the grazing would work in with all the other stuff and time to understand those little details that keep life simple – like big roadside gates for shifting stock etc. […]
When Summer Doesn’t Come, Make A Plan B
To cheer myself up last week, I lit the bonfire while I gardened. It was such a gloomy day. It was mid summer, and I was gardening in jeans. The fire lifted my spirits. For those of us out west and south, this is not a normal February in the garden. Normally we’d be drowning […]