For top quality fruit and a better performing tree – thin your fruit this month! Thinning removes the excess to improve the remainder – and it’s a lovely job, so peaceful among the fruit trees (apart from Nellie the pig’s grunts for more!) I thin because thinning looks after my trees. It lightens their load. […]
Get Ready For Psyllids
Boy, did we panic about psyllids when they first arrived on our shores. And rightly so! Our tomato and potato crops got hammered as we figured out how to cope with them. And figure it out we did. We’ve got it sorted! So moving on from the panic, let’s make like a scout – Be Prepared. […]
From a Notch Springs a Branch
This time last year I wrote you about notching, an old fashioned technique that turns a bud into a branch, on a fruit tree. You do this when there’s a gap in the trees framework and you wish a branch to fill it. (Tree’s don’t always share our vision – a bit of coercion is […]
A Planting Plan to Entice the Beneficial Insects
Prepare to be amazed at the amount of larvae gobbling, pest destroying action going on around you in the micro. Beneficial insects keep your garden sorted. There’s an army on your side: parasitic wasps, hoverflies, various bees and ladybirds, praying mantis, spiders, dragonflies, assassin bugs, lacewings, a variety of beetles, frogs, birds and earwigs (yes, […]