Even when its cold and frosty there’s plenty of food to be had from the garden. Here’s a quick round up of what we’re harvesting to inspire you to a four seasons vegie patch. Leafy greens abound – chard, spinach, parsley, kale, chickweed, cress, miners lettuce, endive, chicory and rocket. Bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower and […]
June In The Vegie Patch + Greenhouse
I’m not the only one who loves winter. Garlic, onions, all the brassica’s, chard, endive, parsley and all manner of leafy greens love winter too. Salads and beetroot survive it, but very slowly so if you live in cooler places, best get them under cover from now on in. Sow Direct Sow Tray Sow Direct […]
June’s Fruit Tree To-Do List
As the leaves begin to fall from our deciduous fruit trees, a few timely jobs rise to the surface. Time to Mulch Nature shows us its time to mulch! Leave the leaves where they lay, topping them up with a lovely woody mixture – both will excite beneficial fungi, key players in balanced nutrition. You […]
May In The Vegie Patch + Greenhouse
As the vegie garden missions slow down, get stuck in and make lots of compost! There’s heaps of finished summer crops/ flowers/ perennials about, providing a bounty of ingredients – make good use of it. Then when all the doing is done, segue into a bit of garden dreaming. Are you putting in new beds […]