Tomatoes and beans need tall, solid support – 1.8m is minimum to get the full potential out of the crop. Fully grown, these crops are weighty. They need something robust that’ll stand up to wind and a weighty crop.
Reinforcing mesh, the sturdy stuff they lay when concrete is poured – is the bees knees. It doesn’t bend, buckle or slide sideways under weight of a crop, and if secured to solid stakes at either end, it wont blow over either. There’s great access for harvest – both sides!, and best of all – a minimal amount of twine.
Set it up

Choose 2 robust stakes, bang them well into the ground and tie the mesh off. And it’s just as easy in reverse – how delightful.
You can, of course, use any other sturdy mesh – a wire bed base, deer fencing, or whatever you find at the recyclers.
Let this definition guide you in your creations:
Support, noun, a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.
And word to the wise, where there is tying up there is, at some point, untying. As far as tie is concerned – less is definitely more come Autumn.