Today I’m sharing a September task that’ll really up your fruit production in your deciduous fruit trees – pears, apples, plums, apricots. An awesome party trick to slow growth down on over zealous plums and stubbornly upright pears. It’s time to tie down young branches, to change their direction from up to out. Especially important […]
The Ins and Outs of Choosing Bought Compost
Compost is the heart and soul of your garden. Does it matter which compost you buy? Damn straight it does! Well made compost is all our soil needs to grow abundant crops with minimal disease. But rubbish in, rubbish out – compost made with sub-standard ingredients will wreck your soil and your crops. So too, […]
Warming Winter Chai
Chai becomes my favourite cup at this time of year. Such a warming, nourishing drink – it’s perfect for wintery days. I’ve tried lots of pre mixed teas but none comes close to own made. Before we carry on – let’s talk about milk because the milk maketh the chai! Creamy fat is a chai […]
Homemade Chilli Flakes
These are one of the easiest, but most useful preserves ever. I mean how useful are chilli flakes! For simple electricity + appliance free dried chillis, simply string them up. Thread a needle and poke it through the meaty bit by the stalk. Hang them away from sunlight. For a jar of home grown, next […]