November in the Vegie Patch + My “Start A New Garden” Guide

Exciting news! Anna and I have finished my free guide: “Step-by-Step to Starting a New Garden”. It’s been in process for ages, so I’m really happy its here, to help those of you starting out – whether you’re creating new gardens, or refreshing existing ones, my simplified version of the permaculture process takes you step by step.

Each step informs the next, and in this steady way, your brilliant garden is born. Your own little Eden, or, as I call it – garden nirvana. And like anything worthwhile, it’s a process. A bit of thought at the start, is the secret sauce.

As you connect with your land, confusion fades and the way becomes clear. It’s a blimmin wondrous journey.

Though the layout is no frills, the information is solid gold. And best of all, there’s no pesky log in, no sign up – just read it, do it, and wing your way to Eden.

Yours in the earth,
❤️ Kath


  1. Lynn Janes says

    Hi Kath,
    I am just wondering if you can provide some guidance for me re comfrey. I unfortunately have a couple of beds which are expanding into neighbouring veggie beds and am wondering how to control this. I have tried to dig up the roots but this didn’t really work and may have made things worse!!. I am afraid if I try heavily mulching that the roots will just expand further to the part which isn’t mulched! Do you have any experience with this and advice for me to try. Also, just to confirm, when you have comfrey under your fruit trees (I do in my apple orchard), do you “chop and drop” them or do you just leave them to grow and then die back in the winter to feed the trees then?
    Thanks so much for your sage advice.

    • Oh gosh – the best I’ve got is to set up a chicken run along the edge – they will keep it back! Or pigs. Or mow it regularly and use it.
      But yes digging does encourage its spread – you wont dig out established comfrey, though I have once used a mini digger and gotten the bulk out that way then afterwards, hand dug the reminder. Mulching will also feed it, it wont be smothered. I once sat a haybale on top hoping to knock it off but it grew right through the top!

      Yes just leave the comfrey beneath the fruit trees ideally.

      all the best