Preparing New Vegie Beds

There are two parts to this: first up I’ll show you how to work out the most efficient shape for your bed (fyi not necessarily a rectangle and defo not a square!), and then we get down to the business of getting it ready for cropping. In my huge relatively flat vegie patch, new beds […]

November in the Vegie Patch, Fruit Tree To Do List + Wondrous Worm-castings

The most important mission this month is getting long term crops like kumara, yams, pumpkins and peppers, in the ground. Yams need about 6 months to fatten up, kumara and sweet peppers need 4 – 5 warm months and pumpkins 4 – 6 months (variety dependant). They all need varying degrees of warmth to thrive, […]

Learn Your Winter Landscape

The shady, the sunny, the frosty, the soggy – how well do you know your winter landscape? Ideally, really well. Are the plants that need winter sun and warmth located in it? Take the opportunity! Winter comes but once a year. Timing is everything. Shady by itself means not much, but when you attach a […]

How To Grow Raspberries

Awesome crops of awesome raspberries begins with a good setup, and so today I’m focusing you in on getting the basics sorted first: choosing a good location + a good variety. With this well sorted, their care is easy i.e. less pests and disease + better crops. From there we move into bird protection, creating […]