The trick to easily made composts is to have all the ingredients on hand, the bins close by the vegie patch and a hose near by. Easy peasy! 2 types of compost bin A couple of pallets slid over stakes do the job perfectly. Air is super important for a healthy compost, that’s why black […]
Simple Solutions For Too Much Water
Drainage is absolutely key for plant health. Our crops must have oxygenated soil to be at peak performance. Water displaces air, you see, so if your soil is soggy, it is also airless. Soil biology thumbs it’s nose at conditions such as these, and herein lies the deep reason for the drainage – without soil […]
Managing Weeds: Naturally + Easily
Weeds are on your side. They’ve come to heal the soil from its historical treatment. They do this in many ways – drawing minerals that are missing, soaking up toxins, moderating excessive minerals, adding organic matter, improving soil structure … they are nutrient dense, mineral rich powerhouses – and the fastest way to awesome soil, […]
A Simple Drainage Test
Winter is a telling time in your soil health journey – from now through early spring you get to see your drainage in action. Those of you at the basemap phase of gathering info and learning your land – perk your ears on up! How wet are your soils? Drainage is absolutely key for plant health. In […]