A guild is a team of plants, that support, protect and nourish each other, working together for the benefit of all. A guild creates stability and best health because the variety of plants above ground brings a variety of roots and soil life below ground. It’s the smartest way to garden. It’ll save you heaps […]
Make a Harvest Calendar
Before you buy fruit trees, make a super useful harvest calendar for a clear overview of the fruiting year. A big help in choosing varieties that stagger the harvest and spread workload. Before we map it out – lets double check you’re ready to go. Tick off the following steps and set yourself on the […]
Step by Step to Kickass Shelter
Shelter lays the foundation for a thriving food garden. What a difference to productivity when our crops are nicely tucked away! Today, I’m going to set you on the road to a handsome as, targetted and super low-maintenance shelter that once established, needs no pruning/ trimming/ fussing over. Kickass, don’t you agree? You only need […]
Make a Basemap + a Wishlist
My wish for you is an abundant, easy to work vegie patch! Creating this relies entirely on you getting to know your land first. Push pause on the planning + building + planting, and take the time! Understanding your land and your climate first is key to you making sound placement choices. Bill Mollison (co […]