Smart Edge Design Saves You Work!

This would be an easy post to skip past – the edge? what edge?! And yet its one of those foundational concepts that if you adopt, can save you loads of work and increase the fertility and life in your soils by miles. Planting up the outside edge of your vegie patch brings benefits galore, […]

Mulched Paths – Oh Yes!

The first permaculture book I read was “The Permaculture Home Garden” by Linda Woodrow. Back in mumblemumble 1997. I read it from cover to cover one cold weekend in bed with my first baby, those were the days. I gobbled it up. Linda made so much sense. One thing I acted on immediately was mulched […]

Learn Your Land (And While You Do, Go Temporary)

When we arrived here we set up temporary fencing to keep the pigs in. Those temporary fences bought us time. Time to figure out how the grazing would work in with all the other stuff and time to understand those little details that keep life simple – like big roadside gates for shifting stock etc. […]

Shelter from the Storm

Shelter makes our land energy efficient. Without shelter vegetables and animals produce less, bees hate the wind so our fruit trees don’t get pollinated, blossoms and fruit get blown off. If we don’t protect ourselves – we use more energy to produce less, simple as that. Before we can create good shelter, we must understand […]