Coping with Green Vegetable Bugs

The Importance of the Right Name When learning about a pest, begin your journey by finding out it’s scientific name. The bug I’m ruminating on today is the Green Vegetable Bug Nezara Viridula, also called green vegetable beetle, stink bug or shield bug. These other names bring you to an array of bugs, not necessarily Nezara […]

What to Do About Leaf Curl

Leaf curl will be showing up in your stonefruit about now – spring being the time when fungus comes out to play. My preference is to eliminate trees that religiously go down with severe leaf curl year on year – it signals to me, that they aren’t well suited to my place. For the ease […]

Natural Ways With Pests

Heat and harvest come to this – pests. It’s easy to malign them, “Damn things!” But pests are not malicious. They’ve come because you’ve served dinner. Aphids, leafhoppers, scale, thrips, green vegetable bugs – put a feed out, create the perfect environment and they will come! Pests are just a part of playing in nature […]

How To Prevent + Deal with Garlic Rust

Rust is an airborne, parasitic fungi that makes your plants look, well – rusty! The raised, orangey spots cover the foliage quickly when conditions are ideal and in a severe case, the leaves yellow, shrivel and die. With the foliage unable to convert energy in its usual efficient style, bulbs are small, but still edible. […]