The Broadbeans Have Spots!

Chocolate spot is a broadbean thing that typically happens at this time of year. Like rust is a celery thing, or black spot an apple thing – all crops have a thing they do when life’s not completely to their liking. And in my case it’s sprung forth in the wet, humid conditions created by […]

A Planting Plan to Entice the Beneficial Insects

Prepare to be amazed at the amount of larvae gobbling, pest destroying action going on around you in the micro. Beneficial insects keep your garden sorted. There’s an army on your side: parasitic wasps, hoverflies, various bees and ladybirds, praying mantis, spiders, dragonflies, assassin bugs, lacewings, a variety of beetles, frogs, birds and earwigs (yes, […]

Help, My Tomato Has Wilted!

There’s nothing sadder than a crop gone awry, all that love and care down the tubes. In this case we have a wilted (past the point of recovery) tomato. When something goes awry in the vegie patch look to the obvious things first (I know how you love to declare phytophthora). Has your tomato dried […]

5 ways to manage Tomato Potato Psyllid

It’s the psyllid season. With a potential to wipe out up to 80% of your gorgeous tomato crop it’s an important pest to understand. Managing psyllids takes a bit extra, but come on guys – it’s tomatoes were talkin’ about! Are they worth it? Hell yeah! 1. Know the signs. Yellowing tips; curling under leaves; […]