Pip’s Easy Peasy Homemade Mayonnaise

pips mayo

This is so good and so fast, you’ll never buy horrid commercial mayo again.

This is Pip’s recipe. (Pip is one-half of the dynamic duo behind the Farmhouse Kitchen). Years ago at a co-op meeting, I was having a moan to her that I couldn’t find a mayo recipe the whole tribe enjoyed (“too runny”, “too garlicky” yada yada… you know how it goes). Sometimes a moan is good – I got this brilliant recipe, and hallelujah everybody loves it.

Into the food processor put:

1 egg
1tsp mustard (I like wholegrain)
1 tsp honey
2 Tbspn apple cider vinegar
1tsp sea salt

Whizz altogether. Then with the motor going drizzle in 1 1/2 cups of oil. I use cold pressed ricebran (olive oil is too big), you use your favourite.

Put in a clean jar. Refrigerate.

Thick, creamy deliciousness. 5minutes tops.



  1. Gilbert says

    Great recipe from my sister !! Gilbert here!! I add loads of parsley which I let seed and grows rampant in my garden and maybe other herbs I feel like . Crushed garlic is good too I think it keeps better with the garlic. All the same basic recipe . Just add what u feel like!!

    • I know – so versatile and good. I keep it pretty plain at the mo to survive the array of tastes 4 kids brings, but even plain without all the trimmings it’s fab!

    • Gwen McBride says

      How long would this keep in the fridge – with or without the crushed garlic?

      • Good question Gwen, and one I cant answer. I make a jar every week – gets used up in school/ work lunches so never had it longer than that. But me thinks it wouldn’t be a long keeper.

  2. Help me – what or how is olive oil too big?

  3. It’s good with a squirt of tomato sauce in it too – especially on poached trout!

  4. Michelle Bisset says

    How long will it keep?