A store of eating apples to draw on through Autumn and Winter is deeply satisfying, and the best kai of all – an apple as nature intended! Storing is, however, really tricky for home gardeners. The perfect long term storage (consistently cool, 90% humidity, off grid and rodent proof) is still lurking on my to […]
Delicious Dried Apples
Dried apples are one of the most useful (and easy) of winter preserves. Its the way to go for apples that are damaged in anyway and wont store well – bird pecks/ bruises/ black spot/ no stalks. Use them up while they’re still good. Our home dried apples are a family favourite. The ones you […]
How To Harvest, Cure + Store Kumara
Kumara loves the warmth – all the way through the growing process, from the shoots through planting to storage. Steer clear of cold, and keep warm in the forefront of your mind and you wont go wrong. Those of you on light, free draining soil are on a win – your soil holds warmth for […]
Break The Pest Cycle
Pests are part of a gardening life – especially when your vegie patch is full of all their favourite food. Add to that a bit of stress like drought for instance, and immunity and pest resistance are lowered, fanning the flames and increasing the likelihood of high numbers of sap sucking, fruit gobbling critters. With […]