To cheer myself up last week, I lit the bonfire while I gardened. It was such a gloomy day. It was mid summer, and I was gardening in jeans. The fire lifted my spirits. For those of us out west and south, this is not a normal February in the garden. Normally we’d be drowning […]
How to Grow Yams
Yams (oca) are the easiest crop I’ve ever grown. No issues with pest or disease, and once they are planted – you can pretty much forget about them. The only negative is that they are in the ground for a long time, so if you are short on space plant them beneath fruit trees, in […]
How (and When) to Harvest Garlic
The tips on my garlic leaves are beginning to yellow, this tells me harvest time is near. There is one way to know for sure and that’s to dig a bulb. Looks like we’re good to go! Once the tops start yellowing off there will be no more bulb development so don’t hold out for […]
Sundried apricots
Last year we had 2 apricots. While this years pickings were still on the light side (about 5kg) it’s enough to call a harvest. At 5 years old our Fitzroy Apricot is still a young ‘un; so it’ll improve each passing year. Eating fresh picked apricots, still warm from the sun is simply heavenly. And […]