Homemade compost is the ultimate soil food – safe from herbicide/ pesticide/ fungicide residue and full of life!
It may seem daunting to make all your own, but with a good setup you totally can. The trick is to incorporate fertility into your garden design. Team that with a good compost making set up plus a few simple habits and you’ll be running off your own compost before you know it.
5 fertile design strategies:

- Take time to plan your garden – a solid setup is your essential foundation
- Cosy all your fertile spaces together – the chooks, vegies, greenhouse, citrus + compost heaps for a huge reduction in fertility needs (and weeding too!).
- Plant loads of perennial companions around your annual crops, especially mineral rich herbs.
- Use perennial food crops as much as you can – they need alot less feeding
- Plant crops that suit your soil + climate to a T – they need a lot less feeding + fussing.
7 fertile garden habits:

- Plant in guilds – diversity is so very fertile
- Use my easy peasy crop rotation
- Keep everything mulched with either homemade mulch or living mulch
- Use mixed greencrops before heavy feeders + as living mulches throughout
- Regularly use biological brews or liquid feed
- Turn your foodscraps into nutritious vermicastings or bokashi
- Maintain several stashes of OM(organic matter) so that you have access to quick, easy, best ever fertility at all times.