Secrets in the Soil: A Gorgeous Childrens Book

Janet Bradbury is an NZ author who is right on my page. She’s illustrated and written a most beautiful childrens book called “Secrets in the Soil” which though its for kids, will teach many adults who read it aloud.

Healthy soil, good nutrition and good health go hand in hand: and those creatures that contribute to the health of the soils are obviously of the utmost importance for the wellbeing of the planet”

James Nardi. Life in the Soil: A guide for naturalists and gardeners

She had me at the first page, and it was all up from there. We meet Maisie, whos trying to grow a tomato, but it struggles to grow well until her neighbour teaches her about soil life and together they turn the tomato plant around.

Every second page is in Māori for awesomeness all round.

I love this book! Every school should have a copy – its my kind of curriculum.

You can buy this self published gem for $20 + postage, direct from Janet on her website. Share it around – there’s nothing better than supporting wonderful New Zealanders doing great things.


  1. Sue Patterson says

    Thanks for this, Kath! I have ordered it for our granddaughters.