3 Simple Ways to Revive Soil

In an ideal world, our soils don’t end up hungry and tired. We take care of them in a little and often way so they stay juicy + wormy in order to sustain the demands of production. But – hey, it happens…. life happens! And when it does, here’s some simple solutions to get you […]

An Easy-as, In-ground Worm-farm

An in-ground, home-made worm-farm costs next to nothing to set-up, takes next to no time to run and yet it turns your food-scraps into gold, aka worm-castings. Worm-castings are good-for-everything! For sick plants, for strong seedlings, for tired soil – it’s no exaggeration to say that they have super powers. Team them with your homemade […]

December In The Vegie Patch

A December planted zucchini, cucumber + a few tomatoes are awesome when late summer rolls around. Keep the harvests flowing in, in a regular way with regular, little plantings and sowings this month. If it’s hot at yours, shade comes to the rescue. I plant all my summer seedlings out under a simple bivvy , […]

How to Water

When you water brilliantly, your garden performs brilliantly. The right amount of water, delivered at the right time makes for way less disease, less pests and improves cropping no end. This is no empty promise, my friends! Watering has as big of an impact on your gardens wellness as soil health does so it’s an […]