A simple test for soil moisture

Testing your soil moisture before you water, is right up there with making your own compost + a daily garden walk = one of my top 3 best garden habits. […]

Easy Peasy Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is falling out of fashion – and I’m glad for it, it used to be a stuffy, over complicated thing. However, don’t lets throw the baby out with […]

Mulched Paths – Oh Yes!

The first permaculture book I read was “The Permaculture Home Garden” by Linda Woodrow. Back in mumblemumble 1997. I read it from cover to cover one cold weekend in bed […]

Eke Out The Water: Embrace The Shade

If plants are wilting under the hot sun, your best save is to provide a bit of shade. Shade is also a good idea, in hot climates, for newly planted […]