3 Ways To A Living Mulch

Living mulch (covering the soil with plants), is I’m beginning to believe, the most nourishing mulch of all. It makes perfect sense to me, as this is how mother nature […]

An annual DIY Soil Test

Your soil is unique. It’s history and geography make it so. And because it’s unique, and because understanding your soil is at the heart of your garden’s health – you […]

How to Water Your Garden Like a Pro

Start the summer season with a new intention – to check the soil before you water your garden. Only water, if your soil needs it! Plants perform far better and […]

Managing Foodscraps: Easy Bokashi

This story begins on a sad note – Nellie, our beautiful kunekune pig, she in charge of foodscrap management, died. See you on the other side, my friend. As well […]