A Useful, Yet Oh So Beautiful Herbal Border

A food garden is a cooperative happening. The gardener, the soil, the weather (lets not forget the weather!) and the companions. Those companions are the icing on the cake – they bring it altogether. Today is all about them, specifically herbs, and how irreplaceable they are in your food garden (not to mention your life). […]

Homemade Mulch

And by mulch I mean any old thing, don’t go mortgaging your house for fancy store bought stuff. In the absence of garden waste (which I find hard to believe – there are always things to prune or weed) there will be an old blanket lurking in the shed, a daggy jersey he’ll never miss, […]

Get Ready For Psyllids

Boy, did we panic about psyllids when they first arrived on our shores. And rightly so! Our tomato and potato crops got hammered as we figured out how to cope with them. And figure it out we did. We’ve got it sorted! So moving on from the panic, let’s make like a scout – Be Prepared. […]

How to Grow Yams

Yams (oca) are the easiest crop I’ve ever grown. No issues with pest or disease, and once they are planted – you can pretty much forget about them. The only negative is that they are in the ground for a long time, so if you are short on space plant them beneath fruit trees, in […]